
Ankit Agarwal’s Housiey is on the home buyers’ side.

The founder and CEO of Housiey, India’s first real estate platform connecting home buyers directly with builders, announces exciting news for home buyers.

It is commendable to notice how a few brands, platforms, and businesses across sectors around the world remained on a constant growth pedestal for a myriad of factors. One of the significant factors is how business owners have remained determined to ease their customers’ lives through their products/services and solutions. It is thus imperative to put more light on such businesses that have pushed boundaries. We couldn’t help but notice the swift rise of Housiey, which has been making massive noise in real estate for all the right reasons.

Founded by the dynamic Ankit Agarwal, Housiey today stands tall as India’s first real estate platform connecting home buyers directly with builders. The passionate CEO, who has had his sweet journey to success filled with several challenges and hurdles, established Housiey to bring about a wave of positive change in the industry by putting the company on the home buyers’ side.

Connecting home buyers directly to builders gives them a bottom-rate guarantee with no brokerage/markup charges, simplifying the home-buying journey for everyone. Speaking more about his idea of being on the home buyers’ side, CEO and Founder Ankit Agarwal highlights, “The real estate market for years hasn’t given home buyers the right real estate opportunities. Instead, their concerns were often only overlooked, with builders aggressively pushing for bookings and promoting only the positive aspects of the projects. Brokers and real estate consultants prioritize projects that offer them the highest commissions, overlooking the needs of home buyers. This is where Housiey enters the picture.”

Adding further, he explains how Housiey is committed to supporting home buyers at every step of the way, providing them with actual 360-degree location tours, showing them drawbacks if any like slums or narrow roads, ensuring they see real home and area conditions. They inform home buyers about the unbiased pros and cons as they believe every project has a few negative aspects, such as location, flat size, amenities, and pricing.

In the context of Pune real estate, they also provide accurate and all-inclusive pricing details, like down payment information. Additionally, they show inventory availability to prevent home buyers from wasting their time. Housiey thrives on offering home buyers a wide range of features and extensive detailed information.

Housiey’s consistent rise can be seen in its growing team of 350+ and the number of families and lives it has altered through its home-buying experience. So far, it has helped 700+ families buy their dream homes and facilitated 48,000+ site visits. 7+ lakh home buyers have interacted with Housiey thus far, and 45,000+ crore worth of property transactions have happened. Monthly, 50,000+ home buyers visit Housiey, including many from the Mumbai real estate market.

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